Sunday, 13 January 2013

Long time no blog!

Yeah, basically what the title says. I do really enjoy blogging and really want to make it a routine part of my life, and get nicely involved in a little bloggy community, but it seems to have taken a back seat recently. I started a new job a few months back and it was all very stressful. It's what I deem to be a Proper job. It's not a proper job in the sense that it's related to my degree, because it couldn't be further removed from my degree if it tried, but it's a proper grown up job nonetheless. It's mostly just been a bit of a difficult time. No one ever tells you that graduating university is going to be so difficult! You think that when you get to be a 'grown up' you'll know exactly what it is you want to do with your life. Absolutely not the case. I still don't know what I want to do. But I'm going to be more positive about it in 2013 and take every opportunity I can and not be a lazy bum. I have been called that before now. So yes, that's why I haven't blogged all that much.

Secondly, my previous employer paid in advance and my new employer in arrears, like most other normal employers. I ended up not being paid for two months so didn't even want to turn my laptop on for fear it might cost me money! Nightmare.

I plan to blog much more and on a wider range of subjects. I was so worried about posting things that I thought people would enjoy reading or things that a 'beauty blogger' would blog about, that I ended up writing rubbish that I really wasn't enjoying. So I vow to write not just about beauty and nice smelling things, but also about things that I enjoy and find myself getting up to! Lots more lifestyley post. I'm fairly handy with a needle and thread so I might even blog about my crafty exploits from time to time, call me crazy. I'm just going to enjoy this blog more for what it is and not worry so much about what people might think.

I hope you had a lovely christmas and are already having your best year yet!

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